What Is Demographics in Marketing?
Demographics are statistics that companies keep on business clients and consumers. These marketing statistics may include the sizes of businesses so companies can better differentiate between small, mid-sized or large companies. But they are more commonly used to identify differences in personal attributes among consumers.
- DemographicsVideo explaining the importance of demographics and marketing
Target Market
How to Define Your Target Market
Targeting a specific market does not mean that you are excluding people who do not fit your criteria. Rather, target marketing allows you to focus your marketing dollars and brand message on a specific market that is more likely to buy from you than other markets.
Understand your market and competitors
Market research involves collecting and analysing information about your market, including your customers and competitors.
Choose a location
The location of your business can be an important factor in its success. When choosing a location, carefully assess the right environment for your business.
The importance of choosing a location for your business
Location is really important when it comes to starting your own business. After all, the place in which you choose to place your store or company could ultimately lead to your success or failure as a business owner.