How energy moves
How energy can change from one form to another. Examples presented include a lightbulb, a car's engine, and plant photosynthesis.
Encyclopædia Britannica. (n.d.). Discover how energy moves between thermal, chemical, mechanical, and other forms . [video]. Britannica School. Retrieved April 4, 2023, from
Energy efficiency
- Energy EfficiencyAustralia’s energy sector has a big climate impact. This makes energy efficiency—reducing the energy used to do the same amount of work—central to reducing the country’s greenhouse gas emissions.
- Energy information for all AustraliansLinks to energy information on:
Households - Practical advice to reduce your home energy bills, improve comfort and sustainability.
Business - Advice to manage your business energy costs, energy efficiency technologies and opportunities.
Rebates and assistance - Find support in your community from the Australian and state and territory governments.
Government priorities - Learn more about what the Australian Government is doing and how it is working with the states and territories.
Units of energy
QUEST staff. (2014, November 14). How is energy measured?. KQED.
Energy transformaton
AboodyTV. (2017, February 15). Physics: Energy transformation [ AboodyTV ] [Video]. YouTube.