- How are you continuing to forge a #BalanceforBetter after International Women's Day?A balanced world is a better world. How are you forging a more gender-balanced world?
Celebrate women's achievement. Raise awareness against bias. Take action for equality. - About International Women’s DayInternational Women’s Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. It is a day when all women are recognised for their achievements.
- What is International Women’s Day?Imagine a gender-balanced world, where economies and communities celebrate the tangible impact of empowered women.
- International Women's Day went from bloody revolution to corporate breakfastsOn a winter's morning in Petrograd, women begin streaming onto the streets.
Two million men have died, food is running out, and women have reached breaking point.
Video Programmes
- Greatest ever International Women's Day videosnternational Women's Day videos form a big part of celebrations on March 8, as well as providing a call-to-action for gender parity. Here are some of the most powerful, popular, interesting, effective and fun IWD videos from around the world.