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Types of Programming Language

Another thing to consider when choosing programming languages for children is whether the language is compiled or interpreted. A language that requires “compilation” (like C++) can be a bit more frustrating to learn for the beginner.

1. Compiled Programming Languages

The reason is, a program that uses a
has to be “compiled” first before it is run. So, you would write your code out in C++, then you use another program to parse that code and pack it up into a running program (executable). Once the program is “compiled,” it’s ready to go and cannot be edited further.

The problem with compiled programming languages is that you have to get the code right before you run the compilation command. One wrong bit of syntax and the whole thing will choke. You have to go back to the drawing board.

That said, not all compiled languages are bad for kids. BASIC (which we cover below, and can be both compiled and interpreted) is relatively easy to learn and there can be a great sense of satisfaction from compiling and running a completed BASIC program.

2. Interpreted Programming Languages

Run on the fly – they are “interpreted” as they go. A lot of what fuels the World Wide Web runs on interpreted languages because compiling every bit of code to run web pages just wouldn’t be realistic or feasible. Perl, PHP, and JavaScript are website workhorses that are interpreted programming languages.

To further confuse this issue, you can technically run interpreters and compilers on many languages. (JavaScript can be compiled, for example, though that is not its historical or common use.)

Many people also confuse scripting languages such as HTML and CSS as “programming” languages. HTML is a.”

3. Object-Oriented Programming vs. Procedural Languages

Object-oriented programming will be the preferred type of programming for your child to learn someday if they ever want to become a professional programmer. However, they might benefit first from learning how to program in a more “old-school”.

The simple difference is that procedural programming runs through a logical progression of statements, often with structures such as “IF” and “THEN” (IF this happens, THEN do this).

Object-oriented programming is based on objects that can connect with and interact with other objects in a program. It is less linear and more holistic. It can be a little harder to understand at first, but easier in the long run to do many complex things.

BASIC is a procedural language. Java is object-oriented.

CodeCamp. (2025, February 21). 20 best programming languages for kids. Code Camp | Australia's favourite holiday & after-school fun!.



CoderZ Team. (2022, October 7). 5 best coding languages for kids. CoderZ.


Compiled and created by Luciana Cavallaro February 2025