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Library & Innovation Centre



APA Template

IB - Effective citing and referencing

Purpose of this document

The purpose of this publication is to guide members of the International Baccalaureate (IB) community in understanding the IB’s expectations with regards to referencing the ideas, words, or work of other people when producing an original document or piece of work.

This document provides guidance on referencing and demonstrates some of the differences between the most widely used styles. Due to the wide range of subjects, multiple response languages and the diversity of referencing styles, the IB does not prescribe or insist on a particular style. All examples provided in this document are for illustration purposes only. The IB’s requirements are for honesty in indicating when and which ideas and words are not the writer’s own, and consistency in referencing the source of those ideas and words.

Click on this link for further information: Effective citing and referencing

(Sourced from IB)

Created by Luciana Cavallaro 2018 | Updated Sept 2020