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Library & Innovation Centre


Government of Western Australia. (n.d.). District Court.

Hierarchy of courts

Court System in Western Australia

Government of Western Australia. (2022, March 24). Court system in Western Australia. Supreme Court of Western Australia.


Legislation is a major source of law. Courts are the other source of law. This video explains the court hierarchy, the jurisdiction of courts and tribunals, and how courts can make new law by interpreting legislation, filling gaps in legislation, and developing the common law when there is no legislation.

Public Library Services, State Library of NSW. (2013, November 30). How laws are made - Courts [Video]. YouTube.


The law governs our lives from the day we are born to the day we die. So where do our laws come from? This video explains how parliaments make law, explaining the process of a Bill to an Act, how legislation changes over time, why the Commonwealth makes some laws and the states others, and delegated legislation such as regulations.

Public Library Services, State Library of NSW. (2013, November 30). How laws are made - Parliament [Video]. YouTube.

Trials and juries

Due process

The Magna Carta

Rule of Law. (n.d.). Access to justice. Rule of Law Education Centre | Promoting the Magna Carta and Rule of Law Education in Australia.

Compiled and created by Luciana Cavallaro March 2023