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Library & Innovation Centre


Historical context

Clip begins at 3.06minutes and is on Musical Theatre and origins


A history of Broadway and an examination of the Themes and Evolution of Music Theatre throughout Time.


Aladdin on Broadway

Elements of Musical Theatre

Musical Theatre: Elements of a Musical

Types of Musical theatre

Examples of musical theatre shows


Borja, J. (2019, December 9). Musical poster designs - The old, the new, the good and the bad. Speckyboy Design Magazine.

Broadway poster art - The top-ten most successful designs — Mark Robinson writes. (n.d.). Mark Robinson Writes.

Disney's high school musical. (2020, March 11). Thornbury Musical Theatre Group.

Grisar, P. J. (2017, May 1). The best (And worst) Broadway posters of the season.

Shrek the musical theatre royal Drury lane repro folio poster. (n.d.). Dress Circle.

Compiled and created by Luciana Cavallaro July 2022