Learning Framework
Year 10
Students develop and refine their ideas and techniques by documenting design, production and evaluation of artwork. To extend their knowledge of art practices, such as, adaptation, manipulation, deconstruction and reinvention techniques, students use their understanding of a variety of art styles in the making of their artwork.
Students develop greater understanding of how contexts of culture, time and place impact on the development of ideas and production of art forms in the artistic process.
Year 11
Unit 1: Students develop artworks based on their lives and personal experiences, observations of the immediate environment, events and/or special occasions.
Unit 2: Students explore ways to generate and develop ideas using a variety of stimulus materials and explorations from their local environment.
Unit 1: Students consider the differences arising from cultural diversity, place, gender, class and historical period.
Unit 2: Students explore concepts or issues related to personal, social, cultural or gender identity.
Year 12
Unit 3: Students become aware that artists gain inspiration and generate ideas from diverse sources, including what is experienced, learned about, believed in, valued, imagined or invented.
Unit 4: Students explore and develop ideas through the investigation of different artists, art forms, processes and technologies.
Unit 3: Students engage with the social and cultural purposes of art making to produce a unique and cohesive body of work.
Unit 4: Students identify and explore concepts or issues of personal significance in the presentation of a sustained, articulate and authentic body of work.
Resource Key
When accessing content use the numbers below to guide you:

brief, basic information laid out in an easy-to-read format. May use informal language. (Includes most news articles)
provides additional background information and further reading. Introduces some subject-specific language.
lengthy, detailed information. Frequently uses technical/subject-specific language. (Includes most analytical articles)
What is Art?
- What Are the Visual Arts?The visual arts are those creations that we can see rather than something like the auditory arts, which we hear. These art forms are extremely diverse, from the artwork that hangs on your wall to the movie you watched last night.
- Ways of Defining ArtThere is no one universal definition of visual art though there is a general consensus that art is the conscious creation of something beautiful or meaningful using skill and imagination.
- Definition of ArtArt is a global activity which encompasses a host of disciplines, as evidenced by the range of words and phrases which have been invented to describe its various forms. Examples of such phraseology include: "Fine Arts", "Liberal Arts", "Visual Arts", "Decorative Arts", "Applied Arts", "Design", "Crafts", "Performing Arts", and so on.
- OliverClick on the icon to login and sign in with your school user credentials.
- EBSCO Search This link opens in a new window
- JSTOR This link opens in a new windowJSTOR offers electronic full text and an index of over a thousand journals in a range of disciplines.