Picture books in our library
Do Not Go Around the Edges by
ISBN: 9780958810111Publication Date: 1995Illustrated with traditional Aboriginal dot form and contemporary images, this is a poetry collection from an elder of the Wunambal people. The poems are juxtaposed with the story of the author's life. The illustrator is a writer and artist of other children's books and has worked in Aboriginal education.Sorry Day by
Call Number: VASISBN: 9780642279033Publication Date: 2018Long ago and not so long ago, the children were taken away, their sorrow echoing across the land. But today there is hope. Today is special. The crowd hums with excitement. Maggie and her mother wait, and then they hear the words: 'To the mothers and the fathers, the brothers and the sisters, we say sorry!' Sorry Day acknowledges the past and shows willingness to make things right.
The Drover's Boy by
ISBN: 9780850918403Based on a popular Australian song that tells of the time when it was illegal for whites and Aborigines to marry, and how such relationships were hidden by Aboriginal women dressing as boys. This book is a tribute to Aboriginal stockwomen, in the hope that one day their huge contribution to the Australian pastoral industry might be recognized.The Rabbits by
Call Number: MARISBN: 9780734410788A rich and haunting allegory for all ages, all cultures. 'The rabbits came many grandparents ago. They built houses, made roads, had children. They cut down trees. A whole continent of rabbits...' The Rabbits offers a rich and immensely valuable perspective on the effect of man on his environment. Visually loaded and told with a passion for truth and understanding, The Rabbits aims to promote cultural awareness and a sense of caring for the natural world.
Walking with the Seasons in Kakadu by
ISBN: 9781865088679Publication Date: 2004Superbly illustrated, this sumptuous book invites children of all ages to closely observe the birds, plants and animals that inhabit the unique environment of Kakadu, through an understanding of the six Aboriginal seasons and their characteristics.My Place by
ISBN: 9781921150654Discover, or rediscover, a 'time machine' which takes the reader back into the past. It depicts the history of one particular piece of land in Sydney from 1788 to 1988 through the stories of the various children who have lived there.